Winston has been practising for over 40 years, with broad experience built over two decades of working with Sir Norman Foster and Partners in UK and HK, and Integrated Design Associates (IDA) that he founded since 1999. His major completed work while at Foster includes the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) Passenger Terminal Building in 1998 (HK Institute of Architects Silver Medal, World’s Best Airport voted by Skytrax for 8 consecutive years since 2001) and Stansted Airport Terminal in 1991 (winning 28 international awards). Under Winston’s leadership IDA has since grown in reputation, consistently delivering projects with design excellence, innovation and sustainable solutions while nurturing trust and close collaboration with clients and partners locally and internationally.
As Principal of IDA Winston has been responsible for numerous significant and award winning projects, such as the Hong Kong Housing Authority Exhibition Centre, the Discovery College for ESF in Discovery Bay, One LaSalle residential development in HK, the new Hyderabad International Airport in India, the Apple Store in Kunming, China, Hanimaadhoo International Airport in the Maldives (WAF Future Project of the Year), the Third Runway Concourse for HK Airport, and most recently completed Mactan Cebu Airport Terminal 2 (HKIA Medal of the Year and WAF Winner for Transport Category). His most recognized commercial project, the Parkview Green Fang Cao Di in Beijing, a LEED Platinum sustainable mixed-use development and the first LEED Dynamic Plaque building in the World, has won over 15 international awards and today, almost 10 years since completion, it is still being celebrated by the Beijing City as the benchmark for responsible commercial development in China.